1. How Is My Diabetes Affected By A Clear Liquid Diet? Any Special Suggestions For Diabetic Patient?
2. If I Start Feeling Ill Or Extremely Restless During My Colonoscopy Prep, Which Symptoms Require A Call To My Doctor’s Office? Which Symptoms Are Typical?
It is normal to feel very “full” or “bloated” during your prep. Chills are common when drinking your colon prep. Nausea and vomiting are also experienced by some people. If you experience vomiting in the early stages of your preparation, or simply cannot drink any more solution, stop drinking for 30 minutes, then resume drinking. If the vomiting resumes, call your GI physician. If you have extreme restlessness, or your bowel returns are not clear or pale yellow after drinking the entire solution, please call your GI physician’s office.
3. My Instructions Say Not To Take Any Nsaid’s. What Are Nsaid’s And Can I Still Take Tylenol?
NSAID’s are Nonsterioidal anti-inflammatory drugs that over-the-counter and widely used for treating pain and conditions such as arthritis. Common NSAID’s include Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, Motrin, Naproxen, Excedrin and Celebrex. Yes, you are still able to take Tylenol.
4. Can I Eat Or Drink After I Finish Drinking My Bowel Cleansing Prep?
If you prep in the morning you may have nothing by mouth after the completion of your bowel cleansing prep. However, if you prep the evening prior, you may have clear liquids the morning of your procedure but nothing 5 hours before your scheduled appointment.
5. Can I Use Chewing Gum, Hard Candy Or Chewing Tobacco On My Procedure Day?
NO. These items are not permitted in the 5 hours prior to a sedated procedure. They have the ability to increase saliva and gastric secretions. Serious medical complications are associated with patients who do not have an empty stomach. The use of these items will cause a delay or cancellation of your procedure.
6. What Is The Best Way To Dress On Procedure Day?
It is recommended that you dress in comfortable, loose fitting clothing. You should wear a two-piece outfit with a short-sleeved shirt. You may want to bring a sweater or light jacket along with you. Wear comfortable and supportive footwear. Avoid heels or flip-flops. Wearing bulky jewelry is not suggested.
7. After My Procedure, Will I Be Able To Return To Work Or School?
Returning to work or school after a sedated procedure is not recommended. Activities should be limited. Operating a motor vehicle or power equipment is not permitted for 12 hours following the procedure. Discharge instructions will be provided to you. Please read them carefully. Most individuals are able to resume normal activities the following day.
8. How Long Does The Procedure Take?
On average, a colonoscopy takes approximately 15-20 minutes and the average EGD takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Plan to be at our facility for about 3 hours. Unfortunately, fluctuations in the schedule occur and your stay may be extended. Occasionally, situations may arise that are out of our control and we appreciate your patience and understanding.
9. Do I Need To Arrive Early For My Procedure?
You will be contacted by your physician’s office at least 24 hours in advance to confirm your procedure. There is no need to arrive prior to your scheduled time. This time reserved for your arrival allows for the completion of consent forms and medical information review. Occasionally, fluctuations in the schedule occur and you may be requested to arrive earlier or later than originally scheduled.
10. Can I Bring Someone Back With Me Before The Procedure?
Unfortunately, due to HIPPA we can only allow patients in the procedure area unless certain circumstances arise.
11. Do I Take My Blood Pressure Or Heart Medications The Day Of The Procedure?
Take these medications as prescribed with a small sip of water unless instructed otherwise by your GI physician’s office.
12. What Do I Do If I Have To Cancel My Procedure?
If you need to cancel your scheduled procedure THE DAY of please call our facility at 702-485-5100. You will then be instructed to call your GI physician’s office to reschedule.
13.What If I Have My Menstrual Cycle?
Having your menstrual cycle will not affect your procedure. Use your preferred feminine products as normal.
14. What Type Of Anesthesia Do You Use And Will It Make Me Sick?
We use a drug called propofol which is a short-acting, IV anesthetic. There are very few side effects. It has anti-nausea properties so there is a very low incidence of nausea compared to other agents. Propofol is commonly used for short procedures because of its ability to produce loss of awareness and has a shorter recovery period.
15. Can I Mix Anything With My Magnesium Citrate?
You can mix any clear liquid with the magnesium citrate. If you are a diabetic patient or have kidney failure; you should not be using this particular prep. You should be on GOLYTELY or a similar type of preparation.